Vampires in Advertising

I posted my thoughts about vampires and consumerism awhile back, so I caught myself giggling out loud at the sight of these advertisements geared specifically towards vampires.

TrueBlood has created an alternate reality where vampires exist, supporting this alternate dimension with websites like the Fellowship of the Sun Church and American Vampire League, as well as products like the titular TruBlood synthetic blood drink. These devices create a complex meta-text around the TrueBlood series that expands and reinterprets the themes of the show.

These targeted vampire advertisements are a part of this meta-text. These ads cleverly propose not to sell us their products directly by using vampires as their demographic. This is an ingenious move, because it makes the product exclusive, sexy and we humans want it just as badly as any fang-banger. We, the thirsty consumers, crave these products and are the true vampire audience for these ads. Brilliant


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