Zombieland Trailer Censors Undead Boobs

I was on MySpace when a Zombieland promo popped up with Woody Harrelson and that kid from Juno giving tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse. This bit of fun seguewayed into the trailer and I was about to click off when I noticed the zombie stripper that chases the Asian businessman out of the nudie club (an image that has stuck with me since my first viewing of the redband trailer) was now wearing a digital bikini top!
Check out the regular and restricted trailers at the Zombieland website to witness the hilarity.
Blood and carnage, good!
ReplyDeleteBare breasts, very bad!
Sometimes I wonder about this society of ours ... no, strike that, I wonder about this society of ours constantly.
Jeanette: Thank heavens those sexy, stacked, stripper zombies have the decency to put something over their tits before they rush out in public and hunt down the living and eat them alive. Sure, they love the taste of flesh and brains, but at least some sense of decorum is left in Zombie land. There is a time and place for everything, and if your are a Zombie sripper and simply insist of flashing your rack, for heaven's sake eat the living in the privacy of your own home! – Mykal
ReplyDeleteHaha! Love the new photo btw Mykal
ReplyDeleteOFF TOPIC, Congratulations, you've been bit!!
Michael Cera was in Juno!
ReplyDeleteThis guy, James Brennan, acts JUST LIKE Michael Cera. It kinda drives me nuts, when I saw Adventureland I was like.. "Why didn't they just cast Michael Cera in this role, the guy acts just like him."
what exaclty is hanging off her boobs in the first picture? its still yellow with a black stringy thing.
ReplyDeletewhat is it
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