Zombie Pinups Want Your Brains!

I stumbled upon this gorgeous collection of zombie pinups and here are some of my fav shots from the 2010 calendar. I really appreciate how these photos meld traditional standards of female beauty with the horrors of flesh eating. Any girl can look good in a rockabilly hairdo and short shorts, but these chicks do that and sell the gore cherry on top. Take that Betty Page!

The full calendar is available for $9.99 at My Zombie Pinup

Annie Get Your Gun!

Say Aaaaaaahhhh!

Pretty as a Peacock

Smooth Sailin'

Eat Your Heart Out!


  1. Big fan of the Zombie Pinups!

  2. Those zombie pin-ups are awesome! Being a zombie myself, I know what I'm talking about.
    Amazing site!
    Hope you will check out mine as well...come see what's in my pretty little undead head!
    Petunia Scareum from Deadly Serious


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