A Texas Chainsaw Halloween
My hubby and I have been kicking ideas around for this year's Halloween costume and we decided on the dynamic duo of Stretch, the disc jockey from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and Leatherface.

The decision was inspired by my husband's nine to five gig at a local deli, where he slices meat all day. TCM 2 is one of the films cited in Carol Clover's theory on the final girl and also features that unforgettable scene where Stretch keeps Leatherface at bay by doing a bump and grind with his saw. ("How good are you?")
I need to freecycle for a non-working chainsaw (we can remove the motor and the chain) and I can get rest of both costumes at the local thrift store. The entire thing really hinges on finding the chainsaw at this point. If that falls through our back-up costumes will be a pair of zombies from Dawn of the Dead. Some torn clothing, pasty blue makeup and a couple of ghastly head wounds should do the trick.

Oh, and here's yet another bad costume I forgot to post with the previous ones....

A vampiress with her Maxi pad. A match made in heaven...or hell.

The decision was inspired by my husband's nine to five gig at a local deli, where he slices meat all day. TCM 2 is one of the films cited in Carol Clover's theory on the final girl and also features that unforgettable scene where Stretch keeps Leatherface at bay by doing a bump and grind with his saw. ("How good are you?")
I need to freecycle for a non-working chainsaw (we can remove the motor and the chain) and I can get rest of both costumes at the local thrift store. The entire thing really hinges on finding the chainsaw at this point. If that falls through our back-up costumes will be a pair of zombies from Dawn of the Dead. Some torn clothing, pasty blue makeup and a couple of ghastly head wounds should do the trick.

Oh, and here's yet another bad costume I forgot to post with the previous ones....

A vampiress with her Maxi pad. A match made in heaven...or hell.
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