Zombie Kill of the Week goes to Skip, the owner of the go-go dance establishment where Cherry Darling works in
Planet Terror. In real life Skip is actually Skip Reissig, Robert Rodriquez’s real estate agent, who at Rodriguez’s urging took on the part of the likable jerk in this grindhouse feature. Skip is manning the helicopter that will airlift the remaining survivors of the zombie apocalypse to a safe haven.

There’s just one thing left to do, take care of the zombies lumbering towards the chopper. Skip pitches the copter forward and uses the fan blades to slice, dice and julienne the toxic undead, much to the excitement of the Crazy Babysitter Twins (played by Rodriguez’s cousins Electra Isabel and Elise Avellan)
Honorable mention this week goes to George Romero’s
Dawn of the Dead (1978) for doing this gag first. A band of refugees commandeer a helicopter and touchdown in the middle of nowhere to refuel on their way to greener pastures. Headless of the dangerous helicopter blades, a determined zombie lumbers over and gets the top of his head sliced off.
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