The Trailer Park: Wolfman 2009
“You’ve done terrible things. Be strong”--Anthony Hopkins The Wolfman

An interesting thing I gleaned from the trailer is that the film’s treatment of the werewolf might go beyond just the physical transformation and explore the concept of lycanthropy as a mental disease. Toro is depicted bound in a straight jacket in the middle of a crowded operating theater and screams “I will kill all of you!” as his hands turn into claws. His immersion in ice water also resembles a kind of turn of the century calming treatment for the mentally ill.
On the other hand, he does seem a lot more buff than Lon Chaney Jr.’s version, almost to point of looking like he has a humpback as he runs across the rooftops. The new look is also experimenting with a canine foreleg like the ones we’ve seen in Underworld and Dog Soldiers. I’m not sure if the combination of these two elements will work to create a more terrifying monster or if they’ll just make Benicio del Toro look like a top heavy ballerina. We’ll just have to wait and see.
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