Top Five Kid Vampires
I recently watched Let the Right One In and got to thinking about my favorite kid vampires. They’re cute, they’re adorable and they’re out for your blood. Here is my list of the top five.
Eli-I will admit that like most of you Claudia from Interview with the Vampire was at the top of my list…until now. Lina Leandersson pulls of the role of child vampire Eli in the Swedish vampire flick Let the Right One In with subtle grace and she’s only thirteen! Eli is trapped in a child’s body and dependent on her human caretaker Hakan to supply her with blood. But after Hakan bites the big one, Eli reveals that she is a vamp in every sense of the word as she canoodles a boy named Oskar into becoming her new caretaker.
Claudia- Kirsten Dunst’s breakout performance (which included a kiss with Brad Pitt) in Interview with a Vampire has gone unrivaled until recently. The orphan Claudia is turned into a vampire by Lestat to blackmail Louis into staying with him, making them into one big happy vampire family. But there’s trouble in paradise when Claudia discovers she will never reap the benefits of aging (i.e. boobs). She goes batshit crazy and kills Lestat, but eventually meets her end by sunlight “Claudia! You’ve been a very naughty girl.”
Little Girl Vampire- Though nameless, this child vamp is memorable as the voracious little girl who gets an axe to the neck in 30 Days of Night. Played by high spirited New Zealander Abbey-May Wakefield, she attacks the lone band of Barrow survivors in the general store (Just when they thought it was safe!) She doesn’t say much, but she’ll gladly play with your blood. Don’t you want to be her friend?
Danny Glick-The floating vampire from Salem’s Lot has given me my fair share of sleepless nights. Danny Glick comes back to claim his friend Mark Petrie after falling victim to the bite of a vampire. Don’t open the window!
Little Vampire-More cute than deadly, the little vampire Rudolph makes friends with the kid from Jerry Maguire and enlists his help save the vampire race before it becomes extinct. Not very hard core, but what else can be expected of a film that bills itself as “fang-tastic family fun”?

when i was little, i had the HUGEST crush on that little vampire's brother. he's seen for like .5 seconds but my little pre-pubescent goth girl within was infatuated.
ReplyDeleteGreat list, though I would put the 30 Days girl ahead of Claudia, personaly, but Eli is definately the #1 kid vampire.