Favorite Deaths from the Final Destination Franchise
To commemorate the release of The Final Destination in theaters this summer, here are my favorite deaths from the Final Destination series.
Terry Chaney gets hit by a bus after telling her boyfriend Carter to “drop dead”
Ms. Valerie Lewton can’t seem to catch a break and dies when her computer shoots a glass shard into her throat, her kitchen catches fire and she is skewered by a knife while reaching for a dish rag.
A piece of metal shrapnel propelled by a passing train slices Billy Hitchcock’s head in half while he’s yelling at Carter that he’ll be the next to die.
Lucky lottery winner Evan Lewis narrowly escapes being blown up by his microwave, but he eventually gets his due after slipping on a pile of discarded spaghetti in an alley and is jabbed in the eye by the fire escape ladder.
Rory the drug addict serves as comic relief until he is diced by a pair of flying logs connected by barbed wire.
The anonymous farmer’s son is saved from death when Rory pulls him out of the way of an oncoming truck, only to be blown up while tending the barbecue in the film’s closing scene.
Ashley and Ashlynn are cheerleaders and bite the big one in the famous tanning salon scene. A series of events causes the tanning beds to haywire, trapping the girls inside where they are roasted alive.
The BFF of Wendy’s younger sister Julie, Perry Malinowski gets a flagpole in the back that is catapulted into the air by a runaway horse.
The girlfriend of Ian McKinley, Erin Ulmer meets her end when she falls and hits her head on a nail gun that fires repeatedly, suturing her forearm to her face.
Ian McKinley, the school’s Goth kid gets squashed by a falling crane after flipping the bird.

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