Undying Love for Zombie Babies
"She's special. She needs special food."--Madeline Matheson Grace I caught the trailer for this film on Fearnet.com . Grace plays around with fears about the relationship between mother and child that can sometimes turn from nurturing to parasitic. Madeline Matheson is in a car accident that causes her to miscarry her fetus, but decides to carry the child to term anyway. After giving birth to a stillborn baby in the bathtub, Madeline somehow wills the baby back to life. But her unnatural and undying love is not enough, and she soon discovers the horrible price of keeping little Gracie alive . Grace capitalizes on the notion of children as parasites both inside and outside the womb. How many times have we heard mothers tell their older children "I've given you the best years of my life" as they complain about lost youth and their figures? These kinds of sacrifices are made into the subject of horror, as Madeline realizes what she must do (i.e. kill, dismembe...