Terrible Twilight Tattoos

A long time ago I covered disturbing twilight merchandise , but I knew it was only a matter of time until someone walked into an ink shop and asked for a tat of the Cullen family crest. It's just so gangsta. Here is just a sampling of some of the most terribly awesome Twilight tattoos. Going for realism, this person got a tat of Robert Pattinson's signature. It's never a good idea to have the word "stupid" etched on your skin for life. Some Twilight tats are just poorly executed. I recognize the chess piece and the ribbon, but is that a puzzle piece in the back? This Twilight mom wears her fandom on her sleeve...uh I mean back. Her grandkids must be so proud. The Cullen crest as a tramp stamp. I have no words. I am just praying that this guy's name is Cullen. Umm I don't think that's Robert Pattinson. With that hairdo he looks more like Cameron Diaz from There's Something about Mary. Or he could be one of the Hardy Boys. Edward'...