
Showing posts from February, 2019

Monster Scholar is Moving to Substack!

Since starting this blog in 2009, I have been humbled by the encouragement of devoted horror fans like you who have made me feel at home in my study of the genre. Your acceptance and support over the years have been staggering, and I’m constantly amazed that you care about my opinions on spooky things. You may have noticed this blog has been as quiet as the grave for a few years.⚰️ The incredible amount of time and energy that I spent writing and researching my articles contributed to my blog's success, but working so hard for no compensation was unhealthy and unsustainable so I sadly stopped writing in 2012. I have decided to move Monster Scholar to Substack, a newsletter platform where writers like me can sell paid subscriptions to their valuable content. If you want to enjoy it without paying anything, you can sign up for one free newsletter a month, and my archive will always available at   You can subscribe for $5 a month/$50 a ye...