Planes, Trains and Zombie-mobiles

This post was sparked by a Facebook conversation about whether or not zombies could ride bikes. I have never seen a zombie on a bike so I said it couldn't be done. My reasoning was that as the brain starts to deteriorate and rot with the rest of the zombie's body, motor skills would be the first thing to go out the window. This would explain their lurched, shambling walk and slow reaction time, as well as their fear of fire. No wait, that's Frankenstein. Anyway, I was adamant that it couldn't be done, that a zombie brain fermenting into goo did not possess the fine motor skills required to balance on a bicycle. And I was wrong. When hell is full the dead won't walk the earth, they will bike! This shocking discovery raises essential concerns about zombie mobility. Far surpassing the question of fast zombies on foot, if zombies can ride a bike, what's to stop them from harnessing the power of the skateboard? The segeway? If zombies have the motor skills...