
Monster Scholar is just that, a scholar of the genre, and writes with unparalleled style and grace.--B-Sol, Vault of Horror
[Monster Scholar] is one hell of a horror writer and her blog is one of my favorites to read, but everytime I go to her site I seriously feel like my blog is the most bootleg looking thing on the planet. Patrick Bateman has the perfect business card, she has the perfect blog layout. —BJ-C, Day of the Woman

Monster Scholar writes about her love of monsters in horror films and books and does so with incredible knowledge and finesse. Seriously, its insanely ridiculous how much she knows about monsters, their mythos, and where they fit into the overall bodies of work in both cinema and literature. Test her knowledge, I dare you.--Cortez the Killer, Planet of Terror

Well executed, painfully researched, and often witty, [Monster Land] brings some much needed class to the horror blogging community.--Pax Romano, Billy Loves Stu

This blog is relatively new to me, and despite my disappointment upon learning it wasn’t for a kick ass new theme park, I have grown to love it. Why? Well, it’s really good. --Brad McHargue, I Love Horror

Like the monsters she so loves, her blog is beautiful to behold. The entire joint has a Famous Monster of Filmland feel and, not for nothing, absolutely vibrates brains. As her name suggests, your Host has a deep understanding of Horror's past and can make it howl in present day - or night. Always worth rising from the tomb for.--Mykal, Radiation Cinema!


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